Monday, September 29, 2008

Blogger Skins

Have you ever randomly Googled a friend or person you might not know that well just to get to know them better?  Or even to find dirt on that person? I know that most people probably have, I know my friends and I do it for fun to see what comes up.  We can always seem to find something funny, even if its not about that person specifically.  Through my research and exploration I have found out that image Google searching has become an art form.  I would have never thought of it but the artist Marcin Ramocki did!  

He decided he wanted a project based on a time-specific capturing of images within Google image searches.  He was very interested in the art of blogging and bloggers.  So he chose five art bloggers, Tom Moody, Paddy Johnson, Regine Debatty, James Wagner and Joy Garnett.  He then began performing specific image searches on their names.  He then decided to take the first one hundred images and imported  them, in the order of their appearance, into an HTML editor and then continued to compile them into an image map.  It reflected the original Google layout and popularity of the searched items. 

This concept that Ramocki came up with is just really interesting to me.  I find it even more interesting because my own personal time that I have spent looking for images on Google often yields strange results that have nothing or little to do with what I have searched.  In Ramocki's searches it appears that he really is exploring this and how Google performs its searches.  For each person that he Googled the images that appear are all almost classified as random and unique and not pertaining necessarily directly with the people with whom he had originally searched.  I'm glad at least that I'm not the only one coming up with completely random searches and images.  But what does this say about Google?  It just means that its not a perfect source but an interesting one that will broaden your ideas and thoughts based on your search. 

~ B ~ 

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