Monday, October 27, 2008

The Art and War of Collage

Everyone has in some point in their lives done a collage. Its a very common thing to do as a fun art project as a kid and even useful for adults if they are collectors of things like cigar labels, magazine cut outs or even pictures. But for many artists it has become a way to make a political statement and to make art. Martha Rosler did exactly that, she was fed up with the coverage of the Vietnam War and how America would portray the images of war in magazines that corresponded with images of advertisements of living rooms and family friendly images. It was dirt and blood and blown up bodies flowing seamlessly with images of art hung living rooms, mattress ads, and sophisticated kitchen designs. Rosler had had enough.

I personally as a graphic designer and especially a lover of designing layouts, know that you have no choice as to where the ads go in a magazine and that they have to be spread out evenly throughout the magazine. Besides that factor of being a little unrealistic, as art this is a very interesting concept that Rosler created. I think that the colors in the ad pop and are positive and then the juxtaposition of the military images and dead bodies gives the people in America the war in their homes. Although it is not direct it hits home and is familiar to everyone with a kitchen, bathroom or a bed, whatever the advertisement the majority of the people reading or looking at the magazine will be able to relate.

I really think that the collage compositions also are really working to effectively portray the message that Rosler wanted her audience to receive. Rosler cut out just the right images that would work into the certain compositions. It adds to the mood of the work and the message.


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